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The best time to make a positive impact following your Soul Purpose is Now!

Connecting with your Soul and with Nature for a compassionate world.
Activate Your Soul Purpose

The best time to make a positive impact following your Soul Purpose is Now!

It is high time to shed the self-doubt, bin the negative self-talk, say goodbye to self-victimisation and get our acts together, because time for us is running out!

What do I mean?

Our Earth is stunning, Mother Nature is magical and ever so nourishing, the design of our bodies- the way they work when we treat them with care is the highest state of intelligence. Love, care, beauty and abundance surround us. We have been gifted with the miracle of living.

But… we are fast losing our connection to nature and earth, stuck in our homes imprisoned by constant distractions of technology and an addiction to our devices.

We are trapped in the cycles of constant and aggressive consumerism.

We are in danger of being totally cut off from the true nature of our humanity.

We are provoking Mother Nature to the point of no return with our unconscious behaviours.

Even in the supposedly most civilised parts of the world actual wars and cold wars are causing unbelievable levels of human suffering and despair.

We have become strangers to the only true homes we have- our bodies. We are so disconnected and out of tune with them that even in the slightest, most minimal disturbance and dis-ease, we rush to authorities outside of us because we are unable to heal a miniscule issue ourselves.

We have given our financial and physical power to the system, unable to navigate through due to our lack of knowledge. We behave as if we are sovereign- but the truth is we are far from it.

We have identified too much with the materials we possess and with the identities created by our ego that we have forgotten who we really are.

Today, being aware, being conscious, being present, caring for one another, remembering and living our oneness as humanity, being compassionate to all sentient beings sharing the Earth with us, and taking good care of Mother Earth are more important than ever.

The path to a higher consciousness, a connected humanity, a peaceful and better world is through every one of us being in the highest frequency and integrity as possible at all times.

And one way of being conscious and high vibe is ‘serving’, showing compassion and helping others.

This is the best time for each of us to remind ourselves of our purpose, mission, strengths, skills and use them for the good of others.

Listen to Your Soul
Connect with Your Heart

So listen to the nudges of your soul. Whatever time, energy, knowledge, skills, wisdom you have, share them. Whether this means getting involved and making a positive impact in your community, volunteering in your area, starting an inspirational blog, writing an inspirational book, teaching a skill to people who are not able to pay to learn it, organising meetups to support one another, leading free meditations, joining collective meditations, getting involved with organisations who do work in the areas you most care about, just do it.

Minimal and small is good. It is how things grow.

But remember to start with you first. Be very conscious of what you feed your body, your mind, and your soul and who you exchange your energies with.

Embrace your mission, serve others, and collectively create a connected, conscious, and compassionate world.

The best time to make a positive impact, following your Soul Purpose is Now!

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