Home of Soulful Coaching & Mentoring
Mind | Heart | Energy
Grounding Yourself During Your Lunch Break
Make your decisions from a place of confidence and calm. Much love ♡
Reiki Taster Afternoon
Join us for an afternoon of Reiki on Saturday 17th August, and shift your state from anxious to calm & grounded! Much love ♡
Triggers Are Our Friends
Our triggers are not our enemy. On the contrary: They are the solution! Much love ♡
Unlocking Inner Peace with Nature
The colours, the water, the sky, the animals... And the inner-peace returns, just like that. Much love ♡
Reiki Wellbeing Day
Come and enjoy a Reiki treat on Friday 21st June to achieve instant states of calm and serenity. Much love ♡
Shine Your Light Everywhere
Your light, your talents, your knowledge, your wisdom and your kindness are needed. Much love ♡
Consciously Design Your Most Fulfilling Life Workshop
Join me at '7 Steps to Consciously Design Your Most Fulfilling Life Workshop'. Much love ♡
Great things always begin from the inside
Make value-aligned changes this Spring- powered within, for a fulfilling life. Much love ♡
Your Body Deserves THE BEST
Tune into your body and take good care of it. Much love ♡
As Within so Without
Your inner world is continuously shaping your outer reality. Much love ♡
Who Are Your People?
Who are the people that are always by your side, regardless of your circumstances? Much love ♡
Living a Conscious Life in 10 Questions
Find out by reflecting on 10 key questions. Much love ♡
Being ‘present’ with those who we share a past with
Give people and yourself a chance, as the people you are today through 'presence'... Much love ♡
Releasing your attachement to how things "should" be
Accept the way things are and have trust in what "is"... Much love ♡
The immense power of connecting with nature regularly
Ensuring you are connecting with nature during your busy work day, has a positive impact on your daily choices. Much love ♡
The comforting support of nature
Tune in. Even in the background of busy, built-up city life, you will witness the support nature offers us. Much love ♡
You can let go of anything
When your whole being agrees with the desired change, change is instantaneous and irreversible. Much love ♡
Magic of living in full alignment with the seasons
Notice that an important part of living consciously is living cyclically, aligned with the seasons. Much love ♡
How to truly “see” others
Learn ways of making others feel seen, heard and acknowledged in communication. With love ♡
Full Moon Surprise
Remember to take in the nature around you. Even more so on your busiest days. With love ♡
Changing with Ease
Learn about the attitudes needed for making changes with ease. Much love ♡
Follow your soul purpose - now!
Listen to the nudges of your soul. Embrace your mission, serve others, and collectively create a connected, conscious, and compassionate world. With love ♡
Do not reduce yourself for anyone
Your light is needed. So do not dim it for anyone. Much love ♡
Welcome to My Audio Blog
In this first audio recording I have summarised why I have decided to add audios to my content. Sending you all much love ♡