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Grounding Yourself During Your Lunch Break


Make your decisions from a place of confidence and calm. Much love ♡ 

Grounding Yourself During Your Lunch Break

Reiki Taster Afternoon


Join us for an afternoon of Reiki on Saturday 17th August, and shift your state from anxious to calm & grounded! Much love ♡ 

Reiki Taster Afternoon

Triggers Are Our Friends


Our triggers are not our enemy. On the contrary: They are the solution! Much love ♡ 

Triggers Are Our Friends

Unlocking Inner Peace with Nature


The colours, the water, the sky, the animals... And the inner-peace returns, just like that. Much love ♡ 

Unlocking inner peace with nature

Reiki Wellbeing Day


Come and enjoy a Reiki treat on Friday 21st June to achieve instant states of calm and serenity. Much love ♡ 

Reiki Wellbeing Day

Shine Your Light Everywhere


Your light, your talents, your knowledge, your wisdom and your kindness are needed. Much love ♡ 

Shine Your Light Everywhere

Consciously Design Your Most Fulfilling Life Workshop


Join me at '7 Steps to Consciously Design Your Most Fulfilling Life Workshop'. Much love ♡ 

Consciously Design Your Most Fulfilling Life Workshop

Great things always begin from the inside


Make value-aligned changes this Spring- powered within, for a fulfilling life. Much love ♡ 

Great things always begin from the inside, including the best change

Your Body Deserves THE BEST


Tune into your body and take good care of it. Much love ♡ 

Your body deserves THE BEST

As Within so Without


Your inner world is continuously shaping your outer reality. Much love ♡ 

As within so without

Who Are Your People?


Who are the people that are always by your side, regardless of your circumstances? Much love ♡ 

Who are your people?

Living a Conscious Life in 10 Questions


Find out by reflecting on 10 key questions. Much love ♡ 

Living a Conscious Life in 10 Questions

Being ‘present’ with those who we share a past with


Give people and yourself a chance, as the people you are today through 'presence'...  Much love ♡ 

Being ‘present’ with those who we share a past with

Releasing your attachement to how things "should" be


Accept the way things are and have trust in what "is"...  Much love ♡ 

Releasing your attachement to how things "should" be

The immense power of connecting with nature regularly


Ensuring you are connecting with nature during your busy work day, has a positive impact on your daily choices.  Much love ♡ 

The immense power of connecting with nature regularly

The comforting support of nature


Tune in. Even in the background of busy, built-up city life, you will witness the support nature offers us.  Much love ♡ 

The comforting support of nature

You can let go of anything


When your whole being agrees with the desired change, change is instantaneous and irreversible. Much love ♡ 

You can let go of anything

Magic of living in full alignment with the seasons


Notice that an important part of living consciously is living cyclically, aligned with the seasons. Much love ♡ 

Magic of living in full alignment with the seasons

How to truly “see” others


Learn ways of making others feel seen, heard and acknowledged in communication. With love ♡ 

How to truly “see” others

Full Moon Surprise


Remember to take in the nature around you. Even more so on your busiest days. With love ♡ 

Full Moon Surprise

Changing with Ease


Learn about the attitudes needed for making changes with ease. Much love ♡ 

Changing with Ease

Follow your soul purpose - now!


Listen to the nudges of your soul. Embrace your mission, serve others, and collectively create a connected, conscious, and compassionate world. With love ♡

Follow your soul purpose- now!

Do not reduce yourself for anyone


Your light is needed. So do not dim it for anyone. Much love ♡

Do not reduce yourself for anyone

Welcome to My Audio Blog


In this first audio recording I have summarised why I have decided to add audios to my content. Sending you all much love ♡

Welcome to My Audio Blog

Want to work with me? Amazing! Tell me a bit about you. Click on "Start Your Coaching Journey", and we will schedule a Clarity Call.

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Click here to download the CLLD model with seven steps to lead and design your life consciously

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Conscious Life Design, 3 Muirfield Crescent, Canary Wharf, London E14 9SZ

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